Graduation Project JURY A Poster // "The Post-Industrial Narratives of Water: Ambarlı"

by Safiye Elif Serdar Yakut | Şub 09, 2025
Graduation Project JURY A “The Post-Industrial Narratives of Water: Ambarlı” will be conducted by Prof. Meltem Erdem Kaya (PhD) @meltem_erdem_kaya and Prof. Ayçim Türer Başkaya (PhD) @aycimbaskaya as the core jury members; Arzu Nuhoğlu, Burak Pelenk and Assist. Prof. Sezen Tarakçı (PhD) as guest jury members and will be assisted by Res. Asst. Elif Ağaoğlu Yıldırım @elifagaoglu in 2024-2025 Spring Semester.
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Landscape Design II [Whose landscape is this?] Poster

2024 - 2025 Spring
Graduation Project JURY A Poster
"The Post-Industrial Narratives of Water: Ambarlı"

Graduation Project JURY A “The Post-Industrial Narratives of Water: Ambarlı” will be conducted by Prof. Meltem Erdem Kaya (PhD) @meltem_erdem_kaya and Prof. Ayçim Türer Başkaya (PhD) @aycimbaskaya as the core jury members; Arzu Nuhoğlu, Burak Pelenk and Assist. Prof. Sezen Tarakçı (PhD)  as guest jury members and will be assisted by Res. Asst. Elif Ağaoğlu Yıldırım @elifagaoglu in 2024-2025 Spring Semester.

2024-25 Spring Semester Landscape Architecture Jury A  focuses on post-industrial transformation scenarios of Ambarlı Water Treatment Plant and its immediate surroundings. The diploma project aims to develop spatial design proposals that interpret the relationship of water with the city and landscape through post-industrial transformation scenarios by reconsidering the relationship between the Ambarlı Water Treatment Plant and the city, and putting the concepts of reclamation, rehabilitation and restoration at its centre.