Landscape Design IV Poster // "Island Biogeography"(20824)

by Safiye Elif Serdar Yakut | Şub 09, 2025
Landscape Design IV (PEM 411E - CRN 20824) – “Island Biogeography" will be conducted by Prof. Dr. Hayriye Eşbah Tunçay @hetpeyzaj and Res. Assist. Elif Ağaoğlu Yıldırım @elifagaoglu in the 2024-2025 Spring Semester.
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Landscape Design II [Whose landscape is this?] Poster

2024 - 2025 Spring
Landscape Design IV Poster
"Island Biogeography"

Landscape Design IV (PEM 411E - CRN 20824) – “Island Biogeography" will be conducted by Prof. Dr. Hayriye Eşbah Tunçay @hetpeyzaj and Res. Assist. Elif Ağaoğlu Yıldırım @elifagaoglu in the 2024-2025 Spring Semester. 

Island biogeography is a paradigm that integrates principles from disciplines such as ecology, biology, and geography to understand how natural and human-induced factors interact with the ecological dynamics of islands. By deepening the relationship between architecture and nature, island biogeography aids in creating sustainable and ecosystem-friendly designs.

This studio focuses on creating harmonious, sustainable, and identity-rich living spaces in island geographies. Offering an exciting experience in the fields of landscape architecture and architecture, this studio aims to explore the fundamental principles of island biogeography in the context of urban design. In the project where the study area is Marmara Island, it is aimed to develop ideas on the conservation of biodiversity, integration of ecosystem services, and the planning and design of identity-rich and sustainable urban areas.

In this context:

Research and Analysis: Examining the fundamental principles of island biogeography and its relationship with urban ecosystems; conducting in-depth analyses on the natural resources, existing ecosystem structures, and societal needs of Marmara Island.
Creative Design Studies: Bringing together architecture and landscape architecture students to develop sustainable design solutions. Presenting projects that enhance natural habitats, increase green spaces, and prioritize interaction with the community.
Community Participation: Prioritizing the development of architectural strategies aimed at preserving the island's nature and cultural fabric by involving local communities in the process, increasing the social acceptance and effectiveness of projects, and engaging in idea exchanges with island residents and administrators.
In this studio, which will be jointly conducted with ITU's Department of Landscape Architecture and Kocaeli University's Department of Architecture, a creative and interdisciplinary design process is being structured that emphasizes ecosystem awareness and develops a unique design language. 

İTÜ Peyzaj Mimarlığı Bölümü



Ulusal ve uluslararası düzeyde işbirliğine açık, ülkeye ve evrensel bilime katkıları her geçen gün artan, doğal ve kültürel değerleri gelecek toplumlara aktaran, çağdaş tasarım konseptlerini, gelişen peyzaj teknolojisini takip eden ve uygulayan, peyzaj mimarlığı eğitimi veren diğer bölümler arasında saygın ve özgün bir yere sahip, kaliteyi sürekli olarak geliştiren yenilikçi programı ile çağdaş peyzaj mimarları yetiştirmektir.



Kendini yenileyen, çağdaş bilimsel ve eleştirel düşünmeyi benimsemiş, özgün düşünceler geliştirebilecek ve bunları uygulama becerisine sahip olan, mesleki etik ve çevresel duyarlılığı göz önünde tutarak farklı ölçek ve içeriklerde yaşam alanlarının sürdürebilirliğinin sağlanmasına yönelik üretimlerde bulunan, disiplinlerarası kulvarda yönlendirici ve öncü meslek insanları ve bilim insanları yetiştirmektir.

Medya'da İTÜ PEM

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