Barış Darcan | Nis 05, 2021
On 8 April between 12.30 -13.30 the third seminar of Thursday Seminars with the title “ Moving Images of Divided Cities” will be given by Gül Kaçmaz Erk who is a senior lecturer in Architecture at Queen’s University Belfast in Northern Ireland, UK.
On 8 April between 12.30 -13.30 the third seminar of Thursday Seminars with the title “ Moving Images of Divided Cities” will be given by Gül Kaçmaz Erk who is a senior lecturer in Architecture at Queen’s University Belfast in Northern Ireland, UK. To form comprehensive understanding, each speaker was asked to recommend a key text. The key texts that is recommended by Gül Kaçmaz Erk are:
Benjamin, Walter, (1969). The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction. In: Illuminations, H. Arendt (Eds.), H. Zohn (trans. from the 1935 essay), Schocken Books, New York.
Foucault, Michel. 1984 (1967). “Of Other Spaces,” in Architecture /Mouvement/Continuité, October 1984 (Lecture entitled “Des Espace Autres,” March 1967), Diacritics, Spring, 1986, Vol. 16, No. 1 (Spring, 1986), pp. 22-27 available at
Kacmaz Erk, Gul. (2009). Architecture and Cinema: A Relation of Representation Based on Space.
Kacmaz Erk, Gul. (2020). Cinema and the Walled City. In A. Akçay Kavakoğlu, T.N. Hacıömeroğlu, L. Landrum (Eds.), Narrating the City: Mediated Representations of Architecture, Urban Forms and Social Life, Intellect Books.
Pallasmaa, Juhani (2007). The Architecture of Image: The Existential Space in Cinema, Rakennustieto Publishing.
* The seminar is open to everyone.
The zoom invitation is below:
Topic: Moving Images of Divided Cities
Time: Apr 8, 2021 12:30 PM Istanbul
Meeting ID: 975 4523 7503